A Copper Classic
In decorating, form should always follow function, and it is a happy circumstance when form follows function and form is made beautiful. We achieved this goal with the addition of the new copper mail box that arrived Christmas morning. The house had an inefficient mail slot in the wall of the entry, and the slot probably served its purpose well enough in the 1930s, but with all the unwanted mail, catalogs and magazine subscriptions, not to mention the bills and cards still making it to our household, the slot in the wall was insufficient to say the least.
Sometime in the past, the slot in the wall was covered, and a flip-top mail box hung it its place, but it played havoc on the hands as the flip-top inevitably dropped on the hand of the person trying to retrieve the mail. Bruised and frustrated, we removed the offending mailbox, leaving, once again the slot in the wall—not very attractive and hardly serviceable since larger pieces of mail were dropped on the door step.
Once the house had been painted a a soft gray green, an old fashioned, copper rural box to be the prettiest solution. The next concern was whether the mail carrier would notice and use the new box; the answer came on its first day on the job—yes, indeed. The placement of the box saves the mail carrier, several steps up to the house and back again; the carrier had delivered the mail and was gone as quickly as Santa had delivered presents, like a wisp of smoke, he was gone.
I always like to embellish the exterior of a home as well as the interior; after all, its presentation should make a good first impression. Little by little, we are bringing the little house up to a higher standard. Now, I’m thinking that perhaps a bit of lettering above the arch might be in order to add to the charm of the little side yard, maybe to off set the ferocious barking of the big red dog who resides there.
Whatever style your home, there are attractive embellishments to add to its charm. Consider your first impression walking up to your front door. A freshly painted door, attractive bell or knocker, handsome door hardware, lighting and of course a mailbox if you have home delivery. If you have the space, a bench is always nice. Add some potted plants that will thrive in the kind of light your front door affords, and you will have an inviting entrance to welcome your family and guests.